Heroes examples
Manage Kubernetes Microservices with Istio Service MESH
- Secure Application Communications with Mutual TLS
- Manage traffic between services, in-cluster, inbound, outbound
- Observability with istio addons like Kiali, Grafana, Prometheus, Jaeger
Automate Ansible Deployments with Open Source Ansible Tower
- Automate instalation of AWX (open source Ansible Tower)
- Infrastructure as Code using ansible playbooks and collections
- Write ansible playbooks and collections
- Design and test AWX backup and recovery (TBD)
Design Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts
- Investigate different open source solutions of progressive delivery
- Implement and test Blue/Green deployment using Argo Rollouts
- Write background pre-promotion and post-promotion analysis templates
- Test automated and manual rollback and promotion
- Write how-to for developers and system administrators
Design and Implement Vulnerability Detection and Monitoring
- Compare different open source scanning tools like Clair and Trivy
- Automate vulnerability detection throughout Jenkins pipelines
- Continous vulnerability monitoring withing Kubernetes clusters
- Scannig for vulnerabilities in container images, file systems, OS packages
- Shift Left, explain developers how to remediate critical vulnerabilities
Design and Implement Linting Solution for helm charts and Kubernetes manifests
- Compare different open source linting solutions like config-lint, kubeval, kube-score
- Implement YAML linting solution within Jenkins pipelines
- Create well-defined linting policies for helm charts and Kubernetes manifests
- Write how-to for developers, e.g. resources requests and limits of Java applications
Design Status Page automation with Google Cloud Function and PagerDuty
- Use Monitoring Services to automate creation of Status Page incidents and announcements
- Setup the PagerDuty API trigger to run a workflow which integrates with the Google Cloud
- Create a handler in Sensu Monitoring Service
- Write a Google Cloud Function with Python
Design Rundeck Self-Service Operations using Runbook Automation
- Create role based access control policies for Dev, Ops, QA and Customer Support teams
- Write a custom puppet module and add it to Infrastructure as Code
- Create and test Rundeck database backup and restore procedure
- Design a Rundeck upgrade procedure including a database backup
Transition Nagios Monitoring to Infrastructure as Code
- Write a custom puppet module for nagios-core, check_mk and custom scripts
- Move performance data from nagios rrd database to graphite whisper database
- Upgrade nagios from version 3 to version 4
- Upgrade python checks from version 2.7 to version 3.4
Explore ChatOps solutions
- Investigate different chat bots like hubot, errbot or lita
- Choose a team messaging app (Slack, HipChat, MatteryMost, etc...)
- Write a custom puppet module for hubot
- Integrate chatops with other DevOps Tools like Rundeck, PagerDuty, Slack, HipChat
Investigate High Availability Solution for Redis NoSQL Database
- Choose between Redis Sentinel and Redis Cluster
- Demonstrate the implementation of HAProxy in front of a Redis master and slave (agent) replication
- Ensure that client and application connections are always redirected to the master server
- Perform a Rolling Update of all Redis Nodes with zero downtime
Implement High Availability Solution for InfluxDB
- Configure all involved services
- Write a custom puppet module for High Availability Solution for InfluxDB
- Create Grafana Dashboards
- Add all services to monitoring to ensure HA is in place